Entrusting Your Legal Defense To An Experienced Criminal Lawyer

When you have been charged with a crime, you are legally entitled to defend yourself in court. You have the right to hire an attorney and present an argument before a judge or jury about why you are innocent. However, when you lack the knowledge or confidence to represent yourself, you need to retain counsel to represent you in court. You can hand off your defense to a criminal lawyer who has the skills to present your case and win a favorable judgment.

Fight Internet Sex Crime Allegations

Sex crimes are serious offenses. If you are accused of an Internet sex crime, you may face steep consequences. State and federal authorities take sex crimes seriously, and you could find yourself in a serious situation. Are you unsure what to do next? Are you unsure why you are being charged with a sex crime? This is what you need to know. What Sex Crimes Occur Online? You may be accused of a sex crime online based on several actions.

What Should Boaters Know About DWI On The Water?

For those who live on or near water, summer can often mean just one thing: long, sunny days spent swimming, boating, and relaxing with family and friends. But when these good times include alcohol, they can sometimes become dangerous — particularly when the person piloting the boat is under the influence. Learn more about when boaters can be charged with BUI (or boating under the influence) while operating a watercraft. 

Protect Yourself: 5 Steps You Need To Take After A DUI Arrest

If you've been arrested on DUI charges, you want to take the situation seriously. A DUI conviction can ruin your life. Unfortunately, many people make serious mistakes following their arrest. Before you make a mistake while awaiting trial for your DUI, here are five important steps you need to take.  Hire an Attorney After a DUI arrest, the first thing you want to do is seek legal representation. Your situation can go from bad to worse when you try to represent yourself in a DUI case.

3 Defense Strategies Your Attorney May Use When You're Accused Of A Crime

If you've been accused of a crime, one of the first things you'll need to do is contact a criminal defense lawyer and tell them about your situation. They can help you formulate a plan to defend yourself in court. Whether or not you actually committed the crime you are being accused of, you deserve a strong defense. Chances are, your attorney will rely on one or more of these strategies to formulate that defense for you.

Has A Loved One Been Arrested? Here's What To Expect Next

If an arrest has affected a loved one, it's only natural to feel stressed out and upset. Knowing what to expect next might help you and your loved one to cope and feel more confident as you move forward. Read on to find out more. What to Know About These Events State law can vary and some of the below events are known by alternate terms and in a slightly different order.

Back In Jail: What To Know About Bail Revocations

Sitting in jail is no picnic. If you want to play an integral part in your criminal case, it's best to do so from the other side of the bars. Bail allows defendants to get out of jail as long as they agree to abide by certain conditions. Failing to do so can result in an arrest and a forfeiture of funds. Read on to learn more about the ramifications of a bail revocation.

What To Know About Ignition Interlock Devices

Drivers who are arrested and convicted of driving while intoxicated (DUI) can face a large array of punishments. What used to be a minor traffic violation has become a serious criminal offense in all states; you can face jail, a loss of driving privileges, large fines, and more. Increasingly, states are requiring that drivers use an ignition interlock device in their vehicles as a form of both punishment and prevention. Read on to learn more.

Costs & Fees Associated With DUI Charges

A Friday night on the town is supposed to be an enjoyable way to end the work week. However, when the night ends with blue and red flashing lights behind you and a DUI charge, you may end up needing to find another job to pay for the costs and fees that go along with a DUI charge, even if you aren't convicted. A DUI arrest can have a huge negative impact on your wallet.

A Legitimate Case Of Domestic Sexual Assault Is Likely In These Scenarios

If you're a victim of domestic violence, it's possible that your spouse hasn't hit, pushed, or performed other similar violent acts. One type of domestic violence that may not always be considered is domestic sexual assault. People tend to view sexual assault as something that strangers do to others, but this is not always true. Even someone with whom you're in a relationship can sexually assault you, giving you a legitimate reason to call the police and then hire a domestic violence attorney to help you.