Got A Traffic Ticket? Here's What You Need To Know

Even though driving is often looked at as a regular part of life, it is actually a privilege you are granted by the state where you live — at least where driving legally on public roads are concerned. Because your right to drive is a privilege, it is something that can be taken away if you are not careful. One of the things that can land you with a suspended license is getting too many traffic tickets, which result in moving violation points against your driving record.

What To Do If You're Ever Charged With Drug Possession

Being charged with drug possession is a very serious matter. The implications of the charge can have long-reaching effects, including heavy fines and even jail time. It can be a life-changing experience that truly turns your journey upside down. If you happen to be in a position where you have been charged with having drugs of any kind you need to know what to do. The following information can be very helpful as you work to get things back on the right track.

Why It's A Good Idea To Seek Alcohol Treatment After A DWI

If you have recently been charged with driving while impaired, you could be wondering about the next steps that you should take in your life. One important step to take is to hire an experienced DWI attorney to help you with each step of your case. Another thing that you might want to consider is to seek some form of alcohol treatment, whether at an inpatient facility or an outpatient facility.

How To Handle Sex Crime Accusations: Proving Your Innocence With A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Were you wrongly accused of committing a sex crime? Being accused of such a serious crime is a major problem because it could cause you to lose your job, lose relationships with certain people, and even spend years in prison for a crime you know you didn't do. Although you're likely feeling nervous, worried, and stressed, there are criminal defense lawyers available to help people who are in situations like yours.

Myths Concerning Criminal DUI Charges

If a person makes the mistake of operating a vehicle after they have been drinking alcohol, they can face a range of serious consequences. Unfortunately, there are individuals that will allow misinformation about these charges to lead them to fail to take these situations with the seriousness that they require. Myth: The Vehicle Must Be Moving To Be Charged With A DUI A common belief about being charged with a DUI is that you can only face this type of criminal charge if you are caught in a vehicle that is moving.

3 Things To Do After A DUI Arrest

Being pulled over and then arrested for a DUI is probably one of the scariest and demoralizing moments of your life. Once you are allowed to go home, it is important to be proactive and take specific steps to protect yourself and your future. Even though you are feeling overwhelmed, time is of the essence with DUI cases so you will want to do these three things right away: Hire an Experienced DUI Attorney

Top Reasons You Will Want To Hire A DUI Attorney

Sure, you have the legal right to represent yourself in court. However, is this the very best thing for you to do? Probably not. To help you understand why it is so important for you to make sure that you are retaining a DUI attorney for your case, you will want to continue reading. Helps You To Decide How You Will Plead You may not be guilty of the DUI charge that you have been given, but you might feel as though there is no way to prove your innocence.

Why You Should Hire A Traffic Violation Attorney

If you have recently received a traffic violation and do not feel as though it was warranted, you will want to think about fighting it in court. Before you go through with the entire process of doing that, you might want to consider why it would be beneficial for you to hire a traffic violation attorney. The following points can help you understand why this would be an important thing to do.

When An Injury Gets Personal: Dealing With An STD

Most people are caught off-guard, to say the least, when a diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is delivered to them by their doctor. You will likely immediately think about your last sexual partner, wondering if you got it from them or if, (shudder), you gave it to them. One STD in particular is frighteningly prevalent. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that as many asone in six between the ages of 14 and 29 are afflicted with herpes.

What Are The Consequences Of A DUI?

DUI charges are, unfortunately, extremely common. Too often, people make the improper judgment that they are okay to drive. While it is difficult to know whether or not you are above the legal limit, you should always be safe and have another form of transportation after a night of drinking. If you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being pulled over for a DUI, however, here's what you should know about the consequences that you now face: