When An Injury Gets Personal: Dealing With An STD

Most people are caught off-guard, to say the least, when a diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is delivered to them by their doctor. You will likely immediately think about your last sexual partner, wondering if you got it from them or if, (shudder), you gave it to them. One STD in particular is frighteningly prevalent. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that as many asone in six between the ages of 14 and 29 are afflicted with herpes. [Read More]

What Are The Consequences Of A DUI?

DUI charges are, unfortunately, extremely common. Too often, people make the improper judgment that they are okay to drive. While it is difficult to know whether or not you are above the legal limit, you should always be safe and have another form of transportation after a night of drinking. If you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being pulled over for a DUI, however, here's what you should know about the consequences that you now face: [Read More]

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: When Evidence Is Inadmissible in a Criminal Case

When it comes to evidence that is admissible in a criminal court case, it is important for a lawyer to not utilize hearsay or "he said, she said." This simply will not work in a court of law. Rather, attorneys wish to back up their claims with evidence. However, not all evidence is good evidence. In fact, a lot of evidence is, in fact, not even allowed in a criminal court room due to the fact that it simply does not fit the hearing. [Read More]

2 Reasons Why You Should Accept A Plea Deal

If you have been charged with a criminal offense, then you will most likely need to go to trial. As the trial dates are arranged and your criminal defense lawyer works on your defense, the prosecutor overseeing your case may agree to offer you a plea deal. If you have been wrongly accused of a crime, then you may feel the need to move along with the trial. However, it may be advantageous to accept the plea deal regardless of your innocence. [Read More]