Restoring Your Child’s Future

Entrusting Your Legal Defense To An Experienced Criminal Lawyer

When you have been charged with a crime, you are legally entitled to defend yourself in court. You have the right to hire an attorney and present an argument before a judge or jury about why you are innocent. However, when you lack the knowledge or confidence to represent yourself, you need to retain counsel to represent you in court. You can hand off your defense to a criminal lawyer who has the skills to present your case and win a favorable judgment.

Present Irrefutable Evidence

To win the favor of the judge or jury, your criminal lawyer needs to instill doubt about the prosecutor's case against you. Your attorney must pose the question of whether or not the prosecutor could be wrong by presenting evidence in your favor.

With that, your criminal lawyer can gather evidence like eyewitness accounts of the crime or surveillance video that shows you are innocent. He or she can also subpoena ballistic reports, the official report from the police, and DNA samples that point to your innocence. This evidence can convince the judge or jury that the prosecutor failed to make his or her case and that you should be found not guilty.

Taking a Plea

If you are guilty of the offense or do not have evidence that can prove your innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, you may decide to take a plea deal. Before you accept a plea, you need to rely on the advice of your criminal lawyer.

Your lawyer's job is to ensure that any plea that you take will offer a lesser punishment than being found guilty by a judge or jury. The goal is to avoid serving out a lengthy jail sentence, paying an expensive fine, or even being put to death. You can take a plea and avoid the worst punishment for the crime for which you otherwise may have been found guilty in a jury trial.

Finally, your criminal lawyer can help you expunge your record after you complete your sentence. As long as the conviction can be expunged, you can hire a lawyer to file the necessary paperwork with the court and get an order to have your record wiped clean of that offense.

A criminal lawyer can provide critical services to defendants like you. He or she can subpoena evidence in your favor, work out a plea deal, and expunge your criminal record. Call a lawyer to learn more.
